On Saturday 10th December Bedford Creative Arts held an event to showcase the Echo Location Sound map of Bedford. At the Pad I gave a short talk about the project and screened a short movie which is a recording of me playing with the soundmap, using it to try and make a musical soundscape from the uploaded sounds… have a look at the following movie – but select to watch it in HD, and full screen so you can see the text on screen and how the tags and user names are used…. to do this, press play to get the following options to appear at the bottom of the movie, then pause the movie to change settings. Press the ‘full screen’ button and then click on where it says 360p, and select 720p HD… which should make it much clearer. Then – press play again to watch and listen…
I also set up a Bedford-specific version of my ‘Soundlines’ installation which is made in collaboration with programmer Matthew Olden. Different areas of Bedford are projected as maps and the audience are invited to draw over the map using a graphics tablet. The drawing starts to reveal a satellite photo of the same area of Bedford, sounds recorded in those locations start to fade in – and also in surround sound in relation to their position on the map. This highlighted the soundscapes from different parts of the town, and provided another way to interact with the soundmap of Bedford as a musical interface.